Friday, March 9, 2012


Ok so in the dark knight when jokers was going to crash into gordans car and bruce drove in front of it. what did Gordon mean when he went "you dont watch a lot of new mr wayne"? all bruce said was if he needed a doctor.Batman??????????????
Gordon said that because the Joker was threatening to blow up a hospital (which he did). So when Bruce asks if he should go see a doctor, Gordon was remarking that if he had seen the news he would know that all the hospitals were being evacuated and doctors would most likely be too busy too see him.

Of course Bruce's question was tough in cheek as he knew that the hospitals were being evacuated.
GORDON: That was a very brave thing you did.

BRUCE: What, trying to catch the light?

GORDON: You weren't protecting the van?

BRUCE: Why, who's in it?

*Coleman Reese steps out of the van, shaken*

BRUCE (CONT'D): Do you think I should go to the hospital?

GORDON: You don't watch a whole lot of news, do you, Mr. Wayne?

First of all...the Joker didn't crash into Gordon's car, he was at Gotham General Hospital giving Harvey Dent "a little push." A citizen with a family member in a hospital tried to collide with a police van containing Coleman Reese, Gordon and an officer named Berg, whose wife was in the hospital. Bruce drove his Lamborghini in front of the van to protect Mr. Reese.

Gordon assumed that Bruce was protecting the van with Coleman Reese in it--the lawyer who claimed to know who Batman was--which he was, but Bruce pretended that he was just trying to catch the light. He asks if he should go to the hospital. Earlier, the Joker had said that if Coleman Reese wasn't dead in sixty minutes, then he would blow up a hospital. Hence Gordon's comedic assumption.Batman??????????????
Bruce acted like he always does as the rich billionaire playboy who crashed his car just trying to avoid signal. to make it more convincing he was not protecting Gordon, he said he needed to go to Hospital to see a doctor, wile hospital are the most unsafe spot that time with Joker's threat. so Gordon asked him that he does not watch tv often
Gordon didn't say "new", he said "NEWS".

It was all over the news that Joker was going to blow up a hospital. Bruce Wayne asked Gordon if he thought he should go to a hospital, and Gordon said, "You don't watch a lot of news, do you, Mr. Wayne?"

Do you get it, now?
News is the word not new. He said it because Wayne pretended not to know that a price was placed on the head of the passenger Gordon was escorting.
He asked if he doesnt watch a lot of TV because prior to that the Joker said he would blow up a hospital if the person they were protecting wasnt killed. get it lol
He means that bruce had no idea what was going on in Gotham city with the joker on the loose and all

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